Oktoberfest: A Taste of Theatre – A Murder Mystery

Taken From My Mystery Party’s Murder at the Toadwart Inn and reworked for children and the stage by Michael Massie


Zanderdore by Aiden Harbaum

Sir Draconus by Brady Lail

Belladonna Blossom by Hannah Neal

Danzeth Nidhogg by Tim Massie

Elvira Gustava by Juniper Gibbs

Xandria Oberon by Trinity Herren

Professor Sol by Casey Allison

Delus Dark by Stormy Harding (FHS Staff)

Rez (The Genie) by Ally Donahue

Crystal Wynter by Megan Krumpe

Professor Snapel by Elizabeth Detcher (FHS Alum)

Mistress Meteo by Annaliese Erskine (FFS Staff)

Hexie Karthegeon by Ashley Harbaum

Lord Raknore by Jackson Alfrey

Professor Morticia Madas by Lori Baird (FHS Staff)

Professor McClanogle by Emma Hess

Gomez (The Gnome) by Billy Balfour (FHS Alum)

Endora Hildegarde by Rachel Finnerty

Toldivort by Kris Hensley (FFS Staff and FHS Alum)

Persephone Ranger by Jo-Jo Reid

Detective Heracles Poyroe by Michael Massie (FHS Staff and Alum)

Detective Madame Screelawny by Mindy Reed (FHS Staff and Alum)